Posted by on August 6, 2021 10:46 pm
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Categories: Politics µ Celebrities/Media Behaving Badly µ Newsjones

National security analyst Malcom Nance ridiculed far-right provocateur Ben Shapiro for not understanding authoritarianism on Friday night’s “Real Time” on HBO.

Host Bill Maher noted Shapiro’s new book, published in July 2021, is titled, The Authoritarian Moment.

“With Tucker Carlson in Hungary right now, kissing up to the dictator Victor Orbán, I thought it would be a great time to talk about your book The Authoritarian Moment.”

“Which, I must say, I’m not being snarky here, when I saw the title I thought, ‘Oh, he’s writing about Trump.’ But you’re not, your thesis is the authoritarian moment is coming from the left,” Maher noted.

Nance ridiculed the thesis.

“It’s a nice title for his book and I think a lot of people who think he’s talking about real authoritarianism could be trapped into giving you $28.99,” Nance said.

“Oh, I said, ‘be nice,'” Maher interjected.



Malcolm Nance