Posted by on June 16, 2021 9:07 am
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michelle jackson
The author, Michelle Jackson.

  • With events and travel back on, I'm tempted to blow my budget this summer.
  • But by reviewing my goals, earning more, and managing my wants, I'm keeping my spending in check.
  • I'm also staying flexible – if I miss one event, I'm not sweating it. More will come around.
  • Read more stories from Personal Finance Insider.

After more than a year of being unable to travel, go to concerts or clubs, and basically anything that feels like fun, I'm concerned about how rolling back COVID protocols will impact my already inflated summer budget.

I'm fighting the urge to purchase tickets for every cool event that I hear about. The concerts that were postponed three times last year, they're actually happening. That road trip I waited to go on, I just returned from it. The cool interactive exhibit, I am constantly checking the event page for tickets. And my favorite sports teams have made it to the playoffs and I want to go.

If I'm not careful, it's obvious that my summer budget will get wrecked quickly. Here are a few strategies that I'm using to avoid accidentally ruining my financial plans during the next 12 weeks.

1. I'm revisiting my financial goals

Right now, I'm reviewing my short-term and long-term financial goals. I'm looking to answer the following questions:

  • Do I have a large enough emergency fund? Currently, my answer is no. I would like to have a year's worth of savings moving forward. Admitting that I don't have as much as I think I need in savings requires some financial adjustments.
  • Am I earning enough money monthly? As an entrepreneur, I have earnings goals that I set for myself. Some months I meet my goal, other months I don't. Earning a stable income consistently is a project that I'm constantly working on.
  • Do I have enough insurance coverage? It sometimes feels like my money is always going towards insurance. I have dental, vision, health, home, and auto. But I need to reassess to see if there are any other ways I should be protecting myself.

This basic financial assessment keeps me focused on long-term goals and reminds me what my priorities are as I introduce new summer spending into my budget.

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2. I'm proactively managing my wants

Let's be clear: My summer budget is specifically being impacted by all of the activities that I want to enjoy. In order to manage the cost, I'm doing the following.

  • Creating a list of the activities that I'm excited about.
  • Researching the cost of each activity online.
  • Watching for expanded capacity resulting in additional tickets becoming available for an event.
  • Asking myself if there's a less expensive or free way to have the same experience.
  • Checking Facebook, Eventbrite, and Meetup for upcoming event notifications. I also find a large number of free events on these three platforms as well.
  • Being flexible. I try to attend events on the least popular day or at a time that most people would avoid going in order to pay less and be around fewer attendees.
  • Understanding what's a non-negotiable experience, and what's not. Right now, seeing Wu-Tang Clan and the Colorado Symphony are on my must-see list in addition to going to the new Meow Wolf Denver exhibit opening sometime this fall.

3. I'm attracting more money

From time to time, I enjoy splashing out a little bit on some fun. Living through a pandemic has reaffirmed that sometimes it's OK to treat yourself, even if you're in the midst of debt repayment or when working on other financial goals.

But, how to pay for those more extravagant experiences is an important consideration. Here's what I'm considering:

Earn more money. This seems pretty straightforward, but earning more money to pay for an experience in cash is a great way to enjoy the experience. There's no financial hangover after it's done.

Work for my fun. Right now, venues need staff. Some of my favorite jobs have been at event venues. I work the event, get paid, and enjoy the event that I wanted to participate in.

4. I'm staying flexible

If I'm unable to attend an event for whatever reason, I understand that there are more events coming! There's so much to do in my town that I'm almost overwhelmed by all the options. Sometimes you miss that one thing and that's OK.

My most important priorities align with spending time with my friends and family. In keeping with that, events and activities that I can enjoy with others are what I will prioritize in my budget.

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