Bad girl gone good? What to expect from Taylor Swift’s mystery release
Following her embattled 2017 album and media retreat, Swift looks set to unveil her new project on Friday. We discuss what might be in store
Winter is coming – no, wait, wrong saga. Judging by the glittery countdown on her website, Taylor Swift is set to release something this Friday – presumably the first single from her forthcoming seventh album, known for now as TS7. And going by the inscrutable, pastel-hued clues she is unveiling daily, her winter of discontent is over.
Swift flipping the gothic aesthetic of her 2017 album Reputation, which surveyed her various feuds, her tumble in public favour and the relationship that put her back together, has led many fans to believe she is heralding a return to love songs and even her earlier country sound. (For anyone wishing to learn more, fans are going into Rain Man-level detail about the clues.) What it does for her, well, reputation – and her pop dominance – remains to be seen.