Nobel Prize in Economics won by Banerjee, Duflo and Kremer for fighting poverty
Who will receive the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel?
Here’s 2017’s winner, Richard Thaler, with some inspiring words for those who found academia a struggle <raises hand>:
“I wasn’t a great student. My thesis advisor famously said: ‘We didn’t expect much of him'” – Richard Thaler, 2017 Laureate in Economic Sciences.
Tomorrow the recipient(s) of the 2019 Prize in Economic Sciences will be announced – stay tuned!
Clarivate Analytics, a data provider, has produced a possible shortlist of candidates for today’s award.
By adding up academic citations, they’ve worked out whose work is particularly highly regarded this year, making them worth winners.
Related: Economist who slated colleagues’ work is tipped for Nobel