- 📺 Trump Pastor Calls Laura Coates ‘A True Slave Master’ (crooksandliars.com)
- ‘A sad circus’: Iowa caucuses arrive with little doubt over likely Republican victor (theguardian.com)
- ‘A perfect microcosm’: one town’s lawsuit and the rightwing battle for California schools (theguardian.com)
- ‘I Want To Issue A Correction’: George Conway Challenges Tapper’s Claim Supreme Court Ruling ‘A Big Win’ For Trump (mediaite.com)Conway: If My Former Political Party Had Any Shame, Ronna Romney McDaniel Would Be out on Her Ass (meidastouch.com)
- Inside tech billionaires’ push to reshape San Francisco politics: ‘a hostile takeover’ (theguardian.com)
- Marjorie Taylor Greene Called Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, “a Civil War,” Downplayed Putin’s Ambitions (meidastouch.com)
- ‘A formulaic game’: former officials say Trump’s attacks threaten rule of law (theguardian.com)