- The Pennsylvania Supreme Court just issued a crushing rebuttal of Justice Alito (msnbc.com)
- Justice Alito refuses to recuse himself in case involving lawyer who interviewed him (rawstory.com)
- Conservative elitist legal activist Leonard Leo rebuffs Democratic request for information on fishing trip with Justice Samuel Alito (cnn.com)
- Justice Samuel Alito Took Luxury Fishing Vacation With GOP Billionaire Who Later Had Cases Before the Court (propublica.org)ProPublica asked about Alito’s travel. He replied in the Wall Street Journal. (washingtonpost.com)David Kurtz: what you need to know about 'peevish, self-absorbed' Alito (morningmemo.talkingpointsmemo.com)Keith Olbermann skewers Alito's 'sloppy, typo-ridden… pre-denial denial' (podcastaddict.com)
- “Not a bad return on investment”: AOC calls out Justice Alito for luxury fishing trip with GOP donor (salon.com)
- As Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse Pushes for Ethics Bill, Justice Samuel Alito Continues to Insist Congress Has No Power To ‘Regulate’ Supreme Court (huffpost.com)
- CNN reveals second Alito junket paid for by lobbyists, this one to Rome (cnn.com)