- UNLV gunman was a career professor who had applied for a job at the school, source says (cnn.com)
- Jared Kushner’s Deal-Making Career Off to Sluggish Start (wsj.com)
- Bernard Kalb, journalist and author whose career spanned six decades, dies at age 100 (nydailynews.com)
- Kevin McCarthy’s toxic career is like black mold from the Trump flood (steveschmidt.substack.com)McCarthy's Race For Speaker Risks Upending House On Day One (huffpost.com)
- Trump fraud civil suit starting Monday threatens to end his business career (theguardian.com)
- MSNBC Interviewees Mistake Mitch McConnell’s Words for Voldemort’s (mediaite.com)
- Representative-elect George Santos, who is under scrutiny over potentially misrepresenting key parts of his campaign biography, had other undisclosed troubles in his early career (nytimes.com)N.Y. attorney general's office 'looking into' allegations against George Santos (nbcnews.com)
- Bret Baier wants to move “past” the Dominion revelations. They should follow him the rest of his career. (mediamatters.org)
- New SCOTUS Scandal: The chief justice’s wife, Jane Sullivan Roberts, has made millions in her career recruiting lawyers to prominent law firms, some of which have business before the court (nytimes.com)
- GOP Rep.-Elect George Santos says he’s the ’embodiment of the American dream.’ But he seems to have, ahem, misrepresented (talk about understatement) a number of his career highlights. (nytimes.com)