- Spiraling Legal Bills Threaten Trump With a Cash Crunch (nytimes.com)
- Kyrsten Sinema is sacrificing passenger airplane safety for airline cash (dailykos.com)
- Kentucky GOP Star Took Cash From Recovery Center He’s Investigating (thedailybeast.com)
- Flush With Campaign Cash, Tim Scott Is Set to Join ’24 Presidential Race (nytimes.com)
- They opposed the infrastructure law. Now, some in the GOP court its cash. (washingtonpost.com)
- U.S. Vaccine Program Now Flush With Cash, but Short on Key Details (nytimes.com)
- ‘That’s a Hell of an Accounting Error!’ CNN’s Jake Tapper Grills NSA Jake Sullivan on Pentagon’s ‘Bizarre’ Discovery of $3 Billion in Extra Cash (mediaite.com)