- Pete Hegseth Defended the Iraq War, Said Trump Was Aligned With Code Pink (meidasnews.com)
- US aiming to ‘crack the code’ on deploying geothermal energy at scale (theguardian.com)
- ‘Red Caesarism’ is rightwing code for an authoritarian president – and some Republicans are listening (theguardian.com)
- ‘Blatant Racism!’ MSNBC Hosts Slam Trump Over ‘RIGGERS!’ Attack — Code For ‘N-Word’ — And Threats Amid Violent Incidents (mediaite.com)Ex-Trump Aide Says Trump’s Use of ‘Riggers’ Isn’t a Racial ‘Dogwhistle – It’s a Bullhorn’ (mediaite.com)
- Democrats Are About To Find Out If This Candidate Cracked The Code For Beating Trumpism (huffpost.com)
- The Supreme Court says it is adopting a code of ethics, but it has no means of enforcement (apnews.com)Experts see little evidence new ethics 'code' would address the issues raised by the recent revelations (propublica.org)
- Fox has spent more than an hour railing over Senate dress code changes to attack Fetterman (mediamatters.org)
- Cracking the Christian nationalist code: A glossary for the confused (salon.com)
- Justice Barrett Calls for Supreme Court to Adopt an Ethics Code (nytimes.com)
- The Senate Dress Code Gets a Casual Overhaul (nytimes.com)‘More Important Things We Should Be Talking About’ Than ‘If I Dress Like a Slob,’ Fetterman Tells MSNBC (mediaite.com)John Fetterman Perfectly Shames MTG After She Demands 'Etiquette And Respect' In The Senate (secondnexus.com)