- Marjorie Taylor Greene Has (Almost) No Friends Left in Congress (vanityfair.com)
- Blake Masters Announces Run for Congress, Skipping New Arizona Senate Bid… (nytimes.com)So Kari Lake Shanks Blake Masters By Endorsing His Primary Opponent After He Announces Congress Run (mediaite.com)
- McCarthy Ousted as House Speaker; Chaos in Congress (washingtonpost.com)
- White House warns to prepare for government shutdown amid chaos in Congress (theguardian.com)
- George Santos: House Fails to Expel Man Who Scammed His Way to Congress (newrepublic.com)"If you come for me, you best not miss": Santos gloats after vote to expel shakes out in his favor (salon.com)
- George Santos threatens to quit Congress if GOP works with Dems on speaker deal (rawstory.com)
- They Keep Congress Fed — But A Shutdown Will Leave Them Broke (huffpost.com)