- Maui Knew Dangerous Wildfires Had Become Inevitable. It Still Wasn’t Ready. (nytimes.com)For Hawaii’s Governor, a Balancing Act With No Margin for Error (nytimes.com)
- Massive fire burning in California and Nevada is spawning dangerous ‘fire whirls’ (cnn.com)
- Trump’s defence secretary Mark Esper says his hoarding of secrets was ‘unauthorised, illegal and dangerous’ (independent.co.uk)
- 8 dead of overdoses in Portland since Friday; police warn of ‘dangerous batch of drugs’ (oregonlive.com)
- How Tennessee’s Justice System Allows Dangerous People to Keep Guns — With Deadly Outcomes (propublica.org)
- White House Torches Greg Gutfeld Over ‘Horrid, Dangerous, Extreme Lie’ That Jews Learned ‘Useful’ Skills During The Holocaust (mediaite.com)Fox Staff Anonymously Revolted By Gutfeld Holocaust Remark: ‘At Any Other Place, His Career Would Be Over’ (mediaite.com)
- GOP slammed for silence on Clay Higgins’ ‘dangerous and unhinged’ civil war tweet (rawstory.com)
- Dangerous diseases found in illegal California medical lab with nearly 1,000 bioengineered mice (independent.co.uk)
- Trump Says It Would Be ‘Very Dangerous’ If Jack Smith Sends Him To Jail In New Interview (mediaite.com)
- Texas’s use of ‘invasion’ clause against immigrants is racist and dangerous, rights groups say (theguardian.com)