- With Hearings Imminent, Partisan Fight Escalates Over Trump Cabinet (nytimes.com)
- Trump Escalates Dehumanizing Immigrant Rhetoric: ‘We’re Like A Garbage Can’ (huffpost.com)At Las Vegas Rally, Trump Grumbles About Obama’s Nobel Prize (nytimes.com)
- As Israel escalates in Lebanon, U.S. influence is limited (washingtonpost.com)
- Immunity Ruling Escalates Long Rise of Presidential Power (nytimes.com)
- Trump Escalates Threats as Campaign Enters Dark Final Stretch (nytimes.com)Trump Praises Chinese President For Controlling Citizens 'With An Iron Fist' (huffpost.com)Amid Talk of Fascism, Trump’s Threats and Language Evoke a Grim Past (nytimes.com)
- U.S. To Send Thousands More Troops To Middle East As Violence Escalates (huffpost.com)
- Trump escalates gendered personal insults against Harris, defying GOP pressure (washingtonpost.com)