- Kevin McCarthy schooled for false claim about American history (au.news.yahoo.com)
- Nevada attorney general is investigating false electors who aided Trump in 2020 (politico.com)
- Michigan false elector compares stress of indictment to cancer diagnosis (detroitnews.com)
- Pentagon protested false Fox News report about fallen Marine, emails show (washingtonpost.com)
- Busted! Marjorie Taylor Greene Scrubbed False FBI Badge Claim and Vape Image from Tweet (meidastouch.com)Scrubbing Followed Sen. Mike Lee & MAGA Launch of Idiotic New Conspiracy that J6er’s Vape is an FBI Badge (meidastouch.com)
- Numerous verified X accounts are claiming that the Maine mass shootings were a “false flag” (mediamatters.org)
- Rumble promotes a video suggesting the Jacksonville shooting was a false flag among its selected “editor picks” (mediamatters.org)