- Zelenksy Reveals Massive Casualties in Monday Speech: At Least Tens of Thousands Killed in Mariupol (mediaite.com)Evidence of Atrocities Mounts as Russia Prepares Offensive (nytimes.com)Prosecution of Russian war crimes is ultimate test for Ukraine’s state (theguardian.com)The U.S. is weighing how much to assist an investigation into Russian atrocities by the war-crimes court in The Hague (nytimes.com)Russia will not pause war in Ukraine for peace talks, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says (theguardian.com)Ukraine again calls for more weapons (washingtonpost.com)China’s officials and state media have been amplifying Russian propaganda, undercutting diplomatic efforts. (nytimes.com)Austrian chancellor to tell Putin he has ‘lost the war morally’ (theguardian.com)Champion boxer turned Kyiv mayor becomes a rousing wartime leader (washingtonpost.com)NATO’s ‘Achilles heel’: alliance conducts war games in nervous Lithuania (theguardian.com)‘This Was Trump Pulling a Putin’: Fiona Hill has some things to say about the former president and the Ukraine (nytimes.com)Ukraine economy to shrink by almost half this year, World Bank forecasts (theguardian.com)
- Democrats race to reach deal on economic initiatives as Biden prepares to depart on foreign tour (washingtonpost.com)