- Missiles Hit Odesa in Ukraine’s South as Russia Seeks Gains in East (nytimes.com)Biden Speeds Up Aid to Ukraine (nytimes.com)Civilian death toll ‘thousands higher’ than thought, says UN (theguardian.com)Russia’s subpar guided weapons are highlighting Moscow’s lack of a modern air force (nytimes.com)Zelenskiy calls for end to blockade of Odesa port to prevent global food crisis Zelenskiy calls for end to blockade of Odesa port to prevent global food crisis (theguardian.com)Russian TV, online platforms hacked with antiwar message (washingtonpost.com)Hopes for EU ban on Russian oil despite Hungary comparing plan to ‘nuclear bomb’ (theguardian.com)‘It’s as Tall as a Person’: Russians Reveal Their Secret Dump of Dead Soldiers in Donetsk (thedailybeast.com)