- G.O.P. Candidates Try to Capture Iowa Attention in the Absence of Trump (nytimes.com)
- Racing to Stop Trump, Republicans Descend on the Iowa State Fair (nytimes.com)In the Trump Era, Is Iowa’s Fabled Caucus Beside the Point? (nytimes.com)
- ‘These people are diehard’: Iowa Trump supporters shrug off indictments (theguardian.com)
- Will Hurd hits back after getting booed in Iowa for slamming Trump: they know ‘this baggage is hurting him’ (mediaite.com)
- How Are Iowa Democrats? ‘I Can’t Even Describe to You How Bad It Is.’ (nytimes.com)
- Key Iowa Evangelical Bob Vander Plaats Hosts DeSantis at Church and Buries Trump on Social Media (mediaite.com)
- Trump Leads G.O.P. in Iowa, but His Hold Is Less Dominant (nytimes.com)Is Trump Leaving an Opening in Iowa? (nytimes.com)
- Indicted Trump Finds Time For Trolling, Will Visit Iowa With Entourage Of Florida Republicans (talkingpointsmemo.com)
- Ron DeSantis Met With Swathes of Empty Seats at Iowa Event, Photo Shows (newsweek.com)Ron DeSantis Vows To ‘Start Slitting Throats’ Of The Deep State As President (newsweek.com)
- Pro-Haley Group Plans $13 Million Ad Push in Iowa and New Hampshire (nytimes.com)