- Emmanuel Macron to address French nation as pressure grows to name new PM (theguardian.com)
- 📺 Geraldo Tells CNN Anchor Trump Is Accusing ‘People Who Look Like Us’ Of ‘Poisoning The Blood of the Nation’ (mediaite.com)
- Netanyahu Seeks Support in U.S. Visit, but Will Find a Nation Distracted (nytimes.com)
- In Secret Recordings, Alito Endorses Nation of ‘Godliness.’ Roberts Talks of Pluralism. (nytimes.com)
- Sharpton Asks Kamala Harris About Trump ‘Street Talk’ Using ‘S-Word’ About Her: ‘We As a Nation’ Should Be ‘Role Model’ For ‘Decorum’ (mediaite.com)
- ‘Are you ready to vote for freedom?’Joe Biden gets roaring reception, delivers electrifying, off-the-chain speech at Democratic National Convention
‘I gave my heart and soul to our nation, and I’ve been blessed a million times in return in the support of the American people’
Says Gaza protesters ‘have a point’, mocks ‘loser’ Trump
Makes symbolic handover to Kamala Harris (theguardian.com)AOC Speech Reflects Long March To Mainstream (huffpost.com)Clinton Rallies Democrats Behind Harris: ‘This Is When We Break Through’ (nytimes.com)UAW’s Shawn Fain Outdoes Hulh Hogan, Tears Off Jacket to Reveal 'Trump Is a Scab' T-Shirt (huffpost.com) - In a Divided Nation, an Infrastructure Develops to Build Bridges (nytimes.com)