- Ben Shapiro Slapped With Twitter Fact Check For Claiming Bernie Sanders Isn’t Jewish (mediaite.com)
- ‘Ask God for the money’: Sarah ‘Huckster’ Sanders blasted for hypocrisy (rawstory.com)
- Arkansas Gov. Sanders signs law loosening child labor protections (washingtonpost.com)
- ‘Sorry CNN!’ Bill Maher Drops First CNN F-Bomb Answering Question About Ex-Trump Spox Sarah Huckabee Sanders (mediaite.com)
- ‘They can survive just fine’: Bernie Sanders says income over $1bn should be taxed at 100% (theguardian.com)
- ‘That’s a Lie!’ Bernie Sanders Demolishes Republican Senator’s ‘Right-Wing Internet’ Claims About His Net Worth (mediaite.com)
- Elizabeth Warren And Bernie Sanders Hammer Kroger Over Wage Theft Allegations (huffpost.com)