- Supreme Court Will Rule On How States And Cities Can Respond To Homelessness Crisis (huffpost.com)The Town at the Center of a Supreme Court Battle Over Homelessness (nytimes.com)
- Prosecutions of Fake Electors for Trump Gain Ground in Swing States (nytimes.com)
- Trump Says States Should Be Able to Imprison Doctors Providing Abortion Care (meidastouch.com)
- When Haiti’s gangs shop for guns, the United States is their store (washingtonpost.com)
- ”Confederate Heritage? Really?’ Former Mississippi Gov Slams State’s Plan to ‘Celebrate’ Confederacy (mediaite.com)
- Sean Hannity urged Arizona Republicans to repeal the state’s 1864 abortion ban. Hours later, when they didn’t, he blamed Democrats. (mediamatters.org)
- Biden’s Trade Moves Raise Tensions Abroad but Draw Cheers in Swing States (nytimes.com)