- F.D.A. to Issue First Approval for Mass Drug Imports to States From Canada (nytimes.com)
- Governor Walz: “I’m surrounded by states who are spending their time figuring out how to ban Charlotte’s Web from their school, while we’re banishing hunger from ours with free breakfast and lunch.” (reddit.com)
- Emergency rooms in at least 3 states diverting patients after ransomware attack (nbcnews.com)
- As Ohio and other states decide on abortion, anti-abortion activists look to rebrand themselves as not religious (theconversation.com)
- Documents show Republican-led states struggling to clean voter rolls after leaving ERIC (votebeat.org)
- A federal court ruling could make it harder for people to challenge state’s racially discriminatory voting practices (nytimes.com)
- Butthurt conservative after GOP loses elections: ‘Break Virginia into 2 states’ (rawstory.com)