- Tribal Lenders Say They Can Charge Over 600% Interest. These States Stopped Them. (propublica.org)
- How a rightwing machine stopped Arkansas’s ballot to roll back one of the strictest abortion bans (theguardian.com)
- 📺 Haley says Trump ‘should have stopped’ Capitol attack much earlier (independent.co.uk)
WATCH: @NikkiHaley won’t say if former President Trump is morally responsible for January 6th but says he “should have stopped it when it started.”
— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) March 3, 2024
“Having the rally was not a crime. To turn around and not stop people from breaking the law … is questionable.” pic.twitter.com/4bmxtzbWd9 - Federal agency says it stopped measuring water pollution near ‘Cop City’ (theguardian.com)