- An unlikely provocateur, Miss Texas, takes on the state’s GOP leaders (washingtonpost.com)
- Joe Walsh Tells MSNBC Republican Candidates Hoping Jail ‘Or A Heart Attack Takes Trump Out’ (mediaite.com)
- Poll: Trump takes big lead over DeSantis among California Republicans (latimes.com)
- CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Takes Aim at Boss Chris Licht Over ‘Earthquake’ Trump Town Hall, Says Network Needs to Regain ‘Trust’ (mediaite.com)
- As Biden holds a flurry of events, his campaign slowly takes shape (washingtonpost.com)
- DeSantis Defends Migrant Flights and Takes a Swipe at California (nytimes.com)With Migrant Flights, DeSantis Shows Stoking Outrage Is the Point (nytimes.com)
- Ukraine takes out another Russian helicopter, as Ka-52 reconnaissance craft lost (english.nv.ua)
- Paranoid mindset: RFK Jr. tells Joe Rogan he takes ‘precautions’ to avoid CIA assassination (nydailynews.com)
- The Roberts Court takes aim at the Establishment Clause (thehill.com)
- Mystery deepens: Prosecutor connected to Jan. 6 probe takes on lawyer for tech companies in appeals court fight with after sealed oral arguments (politico.com)