- Oklahoma is having right-wing media figures rewrite its social studies curriculum. Here’s what you need to know about them. (mediamatters.org)
- Former Foster Youth Are Eligible for Federal Housing Aid. Georgia Isn’t Helping Them Get It. (propublica.org)
- Neighbors say Alitos used security detail car to intimidate them after sign dispute (theguardian.com)
- Colorado’s Bold New Approach to Highways: Not Building Them (nytimes.com)
- China cultivated high-rolling crime families before turning on them (washingtonpost.com)
- Ukraine shows even the toughest tanks can’t go to war anymore without cage armor to shield them from exploding drones (news.yahoo.com)
- 📺 CNN and MSNBC fact-checked Trump’s complaints about his guilty verdicts. Fox News repeated them. (mediamatters.org)
- 📺 Jim McGovern Turns the Tables by Diagnosing House Republicans with ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome,’ Tells Them, ‘You Are in a Cult’ (mediaite.com)
- Trump Vows to Lower Prices. Some of His Policies May Raise Them. (nytimes.com)
- outh African Voters Reject the Party That Freed Them From Apartheid (nytimes.com)