- Trump-appointed judge rejects lawsuit targeting special counsel Jack Smith (washingtonpost.com)
- Jack Smith Confronts Trump-Appointed Judge In Blistering New Filing Threatening ‘Appellate Action’ Over Jury Order (mediaite.com)Special Counsel Jack Smith Is Done With Judge Aileen Cannon And Lets It Show (morningmemo.talkingpointsmemo.com)
- Grab the popcorn: Hunter Biden enters not guilty plea after deal with Trump-appointed prosecution team collapses; judge seeks review of dealKen White: Hunter Biden and the Fog of War (popehat.substack.com)
- DoJ Fileing Lays Waste to Trump-Appointed Judge’s Order in Appeals Court Motion to END Investigative Delays (mediaite.com)Trump’s legal team divided over how to handle Mar-a-Lago case (washingtonpost.com)
- Trump-Appointed Judges Revive Challenge To Counting Mail Ballots After Election Day (huffpost.com)
- Trump-Appointed Judge Dismisses Right-Wing Attempt To Curtail North Dakota’s Mail-in Ballot Receipt Deadline (democracydocket.com)
- Rogue Trump-appointed judge blocks U.S. officials from tech contacts – and debunking fake news and falsehoods (washingtonpost.com)