- The BFD of Making America Way Better: The first two years of Biden’s presidency saw him delivering his way on Trump’s empty promises (apnews.com)Biden began 2022 in rough shape. He's ending it with a series of wins. (yahoo.com)
- Trump team searches two of his properties amid court battle with DOJ (washingtonpost.com)
- Herschel Walker, Who Hasn’t Had a Presser in Almost Two Months, Reportedly Distancing Journalists ‘20 Feet’ After Events (mediaite.com)
- Dallas air show crash: Two World War Two planes collide in mid-air (bbc.com)
- Stopping ‘Stop the Steal [sic]’: Two Groups Quietly Spent $32 Million Rallying Voters Behind Voting Rights (nytimes.com)
- Explosions hit two military airfields in Russia (bbc.com)War and Sanctions Threaten to Thrust Russia’s Economy Back in Time (nytimes.com)Two people killed in Russian missile strikes following explosions at two Russian airbases (theguardian.com)
- Police tighten security in Shanghai after two nights of protests (theguardian.com)China Protests Spread Across Nation's Cities as Covid Cases Surge and Lockdowns Persist (nytimes.com)Chinese Authorities Beat, Take Into Custody BBC Journalist Covering Protests Over Covid Policy, Xi’s Regime (mediaite.com)